Leitung | Martin Winiger |
Saxophone | Jonas Knecht Stefan Hubatka Dany Kaufmann Simon Jud Mathias Kündig |
| Rolf Meier Lukas Bachmann Jürg Zimmermann Philipp Elsener
| Salvian Stocker Lukas Kündig Marcel Oertli
| Yannic Lüönd, Guitar Laura Virág Búza, Bass Malcolm Haylock, Piano Dennis von Ballmoos, Drums
Portrait: Die Trigger Concert Big Band gehört zu den profiliertesten Big Bands der Schweiz. Die TCBB ist in Rapperswil-Jona angesiedelt und präsentiert regelmässig anspruchsvolle und innovative Projekte auf bemerkenswertem Niveau. Unter der Leitung von Martin Winiger setzt sie ihren Schwerpunkt zunehmend auf moderne Jazzorchester-Literatur, versucht mit ihren Programmen aber die klanglichen und stilistischen Möglichkeiten einer Big Band in einer ganzen Breite auszuloten.
Edmar Castaneda: "Sharing the stage with the Trigger Big Band is a pleasure and an honor; talented musicians and incredible people are truly a blessing."
Bert Joris: "The Trigger Concert Big Band showed to be an orchestra that can stand next to most professional Big Bands in Europe. It proves again that intense preparation, enthusiasm and dedication can lift up a group of musicians to extreme high level. I have rarely heard my compositions being played with greater accuracy and beautiful sound blending, and hope that the orchestra will be able to continue like this for many years to come. Rapperswil-Jona should be very proud to have an orchestra of such high level in town."
Perico Sambeat: «I feel blessed to be invited to play my „Flamenco Big Band“-project with some of the best European Big Bands. But you know? My Swiss experience with you guys is a very special moment in my musical life!»
Lukas Thoeni: «Diese Band tönt fantastisch – besser als manche Profi-Big Band!»